Brechungsindex von TiO2 - Rutile
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is well-known for having a very high index of refraction, and this has led to its common use in thin-film optics. Typically, TiO2 is one component of alternating layers of high and low refractive index materials that by the principle of optical interference tailor the thin-film optic's spectral reflectance profile. This technique can be used to make optical filters, reflectors, and antireflection (AR) coatings for eyeglasses and other lenses. It is common to find titanium dioxide paired with silicon dioxide (SiO2) as the low refractive index material. ~ Cr~LfTiO2's index can vary due to density variations caused by different deposition processes. These conditions can produce different forms of titania (rutile, amorphous, anatase). In its particulate form titanium dioxide is bright white, highly scattering, and ideal for use as a pigment. It is present in many paints along with most sunscreens and toothpastes.
Für eine typische Probe von TiO2 - Rutile betragen der Brechungsindex und der Absorptionskoeffizient bei 632.8 nm 2.874 und 0.000.Unten sind Dateien mit den kompletten Daten für den Brechungsindex und den Absorptionskoeffizienten aufgeführt. Wenn die Datei nicht zum Download verfügbar ist, dann können Sie die verschlüsselte Datei anfordern, indem Sie auf "Anfordern" klicken.
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Brechungsindex Referenz - Various sources. Does not exactly match DeVore Paper.
J. R. DeVore, "Refractive Index of Rutile and Sphalerite," J. Opt. Soc. Am.41:416-419 (1951).
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